Blessing · Community · Faith · Happiness · Journey · Kingdom · Ministry · potential · Witness

Who are you when you think Jesus isn’t looking?

Today on my lunch break, I decided to make a quick stop into the local CVS for a few necessities (shaving cream and something to battle these terrible summer allergies!). I usually make at least one stop into the store each week because I get great customer service and the employees are always so friendly.

As I was standing in the checkout line, the man behind the counter begins to tell me how he sees me in the store quite often and asks if I work in the area. I tell him yes and we begin to chat about the city, community, church, local activities, etc. We discovered that we had an “acquaintance” in common, and the man goes on to praise this acquaintance as such a wonderful person that he held in high regard. I stood there shocked and almost speechless because my thoughts about the common acquaintance were…let’s just say, definitely less admirable. So what caused the stark difference in opinion? This man went to church with the common acquaintance, and I knew who the person was out in the world – beyond the church doors. I smiled and nodded, thanked the man for his help, and went on my way.


I left the store with a mix of emotions. How could our opinions be such complete polar opposites? Do people view ME that differently outside of God’s house? Am I truly the same person – with the same integrity, same values, same morals, same smile, same heartfelt concern for others, same positive attitude – that I am on Sunday? Would people who know me outside of God’s house say the same things about me as the ones that see me in church each week? I sure hope so. And if not, today is a great day to get my attitude in check and be intentional in living out the person that I strive to be EACH and EVERY day. I don’t want to be the person that puts on her “church face” on Sunday.

My prayer today is that each of us live out our Christian lives on a day-to-day basis so that others may see Jesus in us and through us. We are to be a witness to everyone – the sinners and the saints. Sometimes we forget that people are watching us. Who are you when no one is looking? I want to live out my days like God would have me to live them – for Him and for His glory. I want my friends to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I know Jesus. I want them to come to me when they need to be lifted up in prayer. I want strangers to know that I am authentically, genuinely concerned for them and their salvation just by my actions. I want my life to be a walking Bible for the world to see. I want to treat people as Jesus would treat them.


So who are you? Are you the person people know on Sunday? Who are you when you think Jesus isn’t looking?

Bridal · Busy · Journey · Kingdom · Life · Uncategorized · Wedding

Countdown to ‘King’dom

We are less than 60 days away from saying “I Do,” and the craziness is kicking in at full speed! Here are just a few of the exciting updates I have to share along our journey 🙂


•I listed my house on Thursday, June 30 and an offer was made on it ONE week later. We accepted, and I signed the contract on Monday! Now it’s a mad dash to get my house packed up and everything moved before the closing date!


•I had my first bridal shower on Sunday, which was hosted by my home church. We received so many wonderful gifts that we can’t wait to use in our new home! It was especially nice to catch up with friends and church family that I do not get to see often. We are blessed beyond measure!


•Beachbody Summit is in less than TWO weeks, and I am thrilled to get to spend some time with two of my best friends in Music City! We will spend time strategizing for our upcoming VIP Membership group, eating some yummy food (Loveless Cafe, here we come!), and attending conferences on all things health and fitness! It will start Wednesday with PIYO certification with Chalene Johnson herself, and I could not be more excited!!!


•We have started getting down to the nitty-gritty details concerning the ceremony and reception. We are looking forward to putting our music playlist for the DJ together this weekend. If you have any suggestions on wedding songs to include in the ceremony or favorite dance music for the reception, I’d love to hear them! 😉
