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10 Years Later: A Time of Reflection

My ten year high school class reunion will be held on Saturday. THIS Saturday. Wow, how time flies…

10 Year Transformation

Although I won’t be attending the reunion, the mere thought that it’s actually occurring made me begin thinking of just how much has happened in those short ten years:

  • I went to college and after FINALLY deciding on a major graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting
  • I met some of my very best friends
  • I finally got rid of those 90s bangs…
  • …and clothes…
  • I have a career and work with a fantastic group of people
  • I bought my first car
  • I bought my first house
  • I lost 45 pounds and grew to love fitness so much that I became a health coach
  • I am engaged to a wonderful man who truly is better half, and I get the privilege of marrying him in September 🙂
  • I found out that I get to add “Aunt Rachel” to my title this fall!
  • I have learned that “success” is defined in many ways and I continue to strive for it daily in everything I do

Life is just beginning. Sure, it seems like an eternity and just yesterday all at the same time that I walked across that stage in May 2006 and received my diploma, but the truth of the matter is that life has truly just begun. Reflecting back on these ten years makes me realize how precious time really is and that we should not waste a second of it. So my question to you today is this: “Are you spending your time doing the things that matter?” Will you look back ten years from now and wish you had done things differently? I challenge you to stop to take a moment and be honest with yourself. Are you being intentional with your time, or are you just getting by? These ten years have gone by in the blink of an eye.  I can only imagine that the next ten will go by even faster.

And by then, I can only imagine what items will be added to the list! 😉